Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas Orders

All Christmas shirts will be $12-$15.00.

I am getting several Christmas orders coming in and I wanted to go ahead and post some of the Christmas shirts I've been working on!! Also don't forget the mugs-they have been a hit-I've done alot of them for people getting them for: stocking stuffers, teachers gifts, co-workers, and the sports ones for the men in your life(I've got vols and titans;camo). They really do make cute gifts!! Don't forget I've got adult($10.00) and child's($8.00).
I am very excited about Christmas-I always love the holidays!! I know we are going to have such a fun Christmas this year with a 5 year old and 22 month old:) Which is why I am going to try to wind up all my Christmas orders by the first week of December, so I would like to get all orders in by the end of November so that will give me a week to complete all of them. Don't get me wrong I love doing this and who doesn't need a little extra Christmas cash but I have been VERY busy this last two weeks, I can't even count how many turkeys I've done, which has brought to my attention that Christmas could get a little crazy. One of the best things about the holidays is family!! so I don't want to be stuck monogramming and appliqueing all hours of the night. I will try my best not to turn any orders away so e-mail me and I'll see what I can do!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Giveaway!!!

oh goodie- a giveaway!! is having a giveaway so check it out

Go Vols!!!!

This shirt was done for my cousins daughter, Haley. They are big fans so I'm sure this shirt will get good use.

rings and pendants

I could not get a good picture of the pendant or rings-the are blurry. I tried every room in the house lights no lights and just could not get a good picture. These are very cute, so I will keep trying to get better pics.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

upcoming weekend

I have some new pics I need to post and will be doing so soon. I have been extremely busy- this Friday I am doing my first craft fair!! I have been working on items for this along with orders that have continued to come in. Thank you to all of you that have ordered and allowed me to take your items as displays-that helps me out alot! I am extremely excited and nervous about this Friday!! I have been working on some cute winter/christmas shirts, again, I will have pics soon. Also I would like to wish my sweet Gracie a Happy Birthday!!! She turned 5 Sunday and we will be having her party this Saturday-oh what a weekend ahead. So wish me luck and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions on items or setting up my booth or anything I would appreciate all you input!!! Hope everyone has a Great weekend!!