Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New corduroy pants and pumpkin face shirt!!

These have the double ruffle.

Isn't she funny!!

This was at Hope's field trip to the fun farm.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

do you ever feel like you're in a pig race?

Do you ever feel like this-lol!! I went yesterday with Gracie on her field trip to the pumpkin patch and at the very end they had a pig race-it was so cute and the kids loved it(okay I loved it too). When I was looking thru the pics and saw this one it just struck me as funny cuz sometimes this is exactly what I feel like!! But the field trip was great gracie had fun and I enjoyed being with her!
My lil Hope is sooo funny!! She sees me make things and sell them or give them as gifts and so when I made this piggy shirt for her for farm week at preschool she went crazy when I went to make a pics of it!! She was crying and screamin -" that my shirt". She is so emotional and dramatic but hilarious.

BUUURRPP! Excuse Me.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hello all! It's been a while!! To catch up: We had a great Christmas. The girls enjoyed their Christmas and of course got way too much stuff. And I did alot of monogramming: alot of shirts, mugs, and scarfs were all big hits. So maybe now that lifes getting back to normal I'm back to posting every now and again. Hope everyone is off to a Great 2010. So to start off this years blogging I'll leave you with a snow pic of my girls!!